Wednesday 22 June 2011


Well, my resistance has finally crumbled and rather than hold back the social media tide I have decided to put on my daughter's pink water wings, dip my toe in to the water and see whether I can progress to a doggy paddle over the coming months.

Whether I can fit this in between a busy working life which is increasingly squeezing out my diminishing home life remains to be seen, but I'll certainly give it a whirl.

As I am launching myself on to an unsuspecting world I guess I better set the scene. Or "open my kimono", as the saying goes (ugh).

Who am I?
My name is Marc Weedon. I am married to Jane, a GP. We have two kids. Our 13 year old son has embarked on a mission to stretch our patience to the limits, and beyond. My 10 year old daughter is a teenage party animal in training. We have two cats, as they are called Luke and Leia you may detect a certain influence from the world of movies.

What do I do?
Good question, and one that I ask myself all the time. I have had the good fortune to craft out a reasonably successful career in international HR. I currently work for Polycom, a leading light in the world of unified communications. Or video and audio conferencing, in plain English. I am responsible for the HR function in the Europe, Middle East & Africa theatre, where we employ people in 21 territories.

What will I be covering in my blogs?
All sorts! The world of work, the state of the profession that I have chosen as my career, bits and bobs about my life outside of work. That sort of thing.

Why bother?
Because I can.

Is there any small print?

Any views that I express are my own views, and do not represent the views of my employer, my wife, my kids or my cats.


So there you have it. Welcome to the first of many blogs. I hope they will prove to be informative, provocative, interesting, enteraining, and...erm...I have ran out of other words to use. Coffee required.

Drop on by again soon, and feel free to leave comments.